Osa is a Co-Founder of Socially Africa, a social enterprise and CSR consulting platform that promotes the spirit of giving back to people and communities in need.
Over the past 1 year, Socially Africa has executed 11 Projects.
Break Bread
It is commonly known that the cause of hunger in the world is not a shortage of food but rather access to food. Some people are hungry because food is in
short supply in their area and for a specific reason. It may be because they can’t afford to buy enough food. It may be both. Once every 3 months, we reach out to some people in rural areas and drop off baked goods for them. In addition to the Baked goods, we host clothing drives to give out clothes to these families
Code Africa
As part of Africa Code Week, we teamed up with a team of web developers to teach basic code classes to 80 teenagers from public schools in Lagos.
Love Box
Every Christmas, our team puts together gift packages for the less privileged, and drops off across Lagos city.
Art For A Cause
Art For A Cause is a community development project, founded by Socially Africa & A2 Creative. It is a platform to inspire and educate the public using Art as
our medium of communication.
Every 2 months, together with a team of artists, we visit 2 public schools and paint educational artwork on their walls. In addition we spend time with the kids,
Conduct a spelling bee, Teach the importance of Nutrition and Exercise, as well as give out merchandise, books, bags, crayons and Drawing books to the kids.
Art for a cause has worked on 6 Schools in Nigeria thus far, and 1 school in Sri Lanka.